

Elden Ringは、FromSoftwareによって開発され、業界のアイコンHidetaka Miyazaki(Dark Souls、Bloodborne)によって開発されたアクションRPGです。ゲームオブスローンズライターのジョージRRマーティンもワールドビルディングに取り組みました。


Elden Ringは、FromSoftwareによって開発され、業界のアイコンHidetaka Miyazaki(Dark Souls、Bloodborne)によって開発されたアクションRPGです。ゲームオブスローンズライターのジョージRRマーティンもワールドビルディングに取り組みました。

2022年に発売されたSoftwareのSoulsborne Gamesからよりアクセスしやすいテイクを提供するOpen-World RPGは、今年のベストセラーゲームの1つでした。また、多くのGOTY賞をすくいました。


  • PC
  • PS4
  • PS5
  • Xbox One
  • XboxシリーズX/s

初期リリース 2022年2月25日


  • アクションアドベンチャー
  • ファンタジー
  • オープンワールド
  • RPG


  • バンダイナムコエンターテインメント
  • fromsoftware


Official Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree art showing a skeletal figure in tattered robes, surrounded by darkness, pulling a golden spear up and out of its eye

Elden Ring review - FromSoft ventures into a sumptuous open world

A colourful - almost psychedelic - geometric-inspired piece of artwork with the numbers 2025 in the middle. It's a new year related piece of art.

Can PS5 Pro run Elden Ring at 60 frames per second?

A side-on shot of a Lada-like squarish car, without doors, sprayed black, on a tarmac forecourt surrounded by desert.

Elden Ring character rides Torrent into a misty forest in Shadow of the Erdtree

Art for Diablo 4's Season 4: Loot Reborn showing three adventurers holding back the swarming hordes of hell.

KOTOR protagonist Darth Revan holding a red Lightsaber glowing in the dark

A character in some chainmail armour stands open armed behind a gigantic, steaming, pot of crab.

A photograph of an old tree with thick, twisted branches spidering out in every direction. It would be a perfect tree to climb.


サポーター| 最高の5つ:木



A strange triangular building surrounding a glowing portal in Destiny 2's Echoes update.

Elden Ring character Ranni the Witch, who is the focus of one of the game's sidequests.

The player-character looks out over a valley with soft gold fields and skies filled with blackened veils in this screen from Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.

Lords of the Fallen screenshot showing two warriors squaring up to a gigantic humanoid boss enemy with parasite-like creatures hanging from its body

An illustration of a doorway inside a house, which is open and shows the rooms beyond all with open doorways, one inside another. In the middle of them all is the shape of a boy, who's clearly been opening them.

A hero casts a huge ball of fire above a boss monster in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.

Elden Ring player character rides torrent through field of ghostly gravestones with giant tree weeping yellow in the background

A paper map unfolded to show an island scene, with volcanos and ships and sea monsters, and hands holding it either side.

A stock photo/illustration showing a straight road narrowing into a sunny distance, flanked on either side by dense forest. On the ground at the beginning of the road, nearest the viewer, are the numbers 2024, and an arrow in the middle pointing ahead.

Montage of images from four games: Animal Well, Star Wars Dark Forces remaster, Harold Halibut, and FF7, behind the number 2024

A dog bursting in from right-hand side of the picture, ears flopping, looking silly.


サポーター| 最高の5つ:犬



Some key art for long COVID mode, a series of mods for Elden Ring, The Witcher 3 and Minecraft which simulate long COVID symptoms to raise awareness.

The Elden Ring demigod Rykard, whose body has been half-transformed into an enormous serpent.





tchia swimming underwater official promo art

Elden Ring and the joy of the great outdoors

Game of the Year header illustration

2022 best games - a blue line drawing of gaming tech with the Eurogamer Essential badge overlayed in gold